11 August 2009

birthday. new haircuts. beach day.

besides birthday pretzel from LP. new haircut. and my first loaf of bread ever.

25 started as a rather industrious year.

lets hope that for the sake of all the animals. it remains that way.

sparklehorses are also out.

and other postal things are being sent out.

blah blah blah said the girl with the super cute new haircut.

also a BIG OLE THANKS for all the birthday wishes



  1. The bread was YUMMY!!! The new bangs look fabulous. ; )

  2. I think we need to get together and make more birthday bread, drink prosecco, eat cheese, etc.

    so jealous of the bangs. I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday, and totes contemplating bangage...which is the worst idea ever. focus on image of little curls sticking up from the top of my forehead. not attractive.
