17 December 2009

03 December 2009

new shoes



um, ive spent the last two nights in the lib until 2am
and this vegetarian, person of of questionable politics and flexible morality is honestly super happy about her new shoes, like really happy, like i had to do a 3am fashion show, with a play by play of shoe awesomeness to B
its like if my early attempts at wiccan-ism stuck and i opened up a store for people who worship the earth and also liked to look cute while communing with her, these shoes would be IT

oh oh oh thank you Mr.Campbell for your awesome designs


02 December 2009

...i heart...


sometimes i feel like i exist in a real time version of this movie

and that is totally ok

"what am I doing? What am I doing? I don't know what I'm doing. I'm doing the best that I can. I know that's all I can ask of myself. Is that good enough? Is my work doing any good? Is anybody paying attention? Is it hopeless to try and change things? The African guy is a sign, right? Because if he isn't, than nothing in this world makes any sense to me. I'm fucked! Maybe I should quit. Don't quit! " ///source///


magical gettaway super secret spot


you can actually rent a place thats quite similar

is it not the most insanely perfect little spot?

this would most certainly and completely satisfy so many things on my to do list


01 December 2009

...over the shoulder of babes...

"Complaining about the assholes we interact with on a daily basis is the #1 eternal pastime of the human race. We all do it, and we get to do it every day, because the world is full of assholes. Me personally, I waste an enormous amount of time seething over people who get onto crowded subway cars with big backpacks on and/or talk in the Amtrak quiet car and/or drive 57 mph in the fast lane or, my personal favorite, walking with glacial slowness in a horizontal row four overweight tourists across on a New York City sidewalk. We all get into furious arguments at work that make us want to explode in self-righteous fury (in my office dramas I always realize I was actually the asshole a day or so later) and when we get home from work, this is usually what our loved ones hear about for at least the first hour or so."

////source from trueslant.com////